Sometimes Apple's Parental Controls feature will make mistakes and flag websites or videos as ‘adult content’ when they’re really not. You can grant specific permission for a child to visit specific websites or videos by adjusting the settings in ‘Parental Controls’. I’ll show you how below. Please note: if you're using some other kind of parental control software, aside from what came installed on the Mac, we might need to take other steps to resolve this issue. In order to complete the steps below, the parents will need to be present and have the administrator password for the computer.

1. Open the parental controls setting, found under system preferences:

2. Click the lock in the lower-left corner of the screen to make changes. This is when you (or Charlie’s parents) will be prompted to enter an administrator password.

3. After unlocking access to parental controls, select the student’s name on the left hand side (my fake student is named ‘Kid MiddleSchool’). Click on ‘Web’ in the menu; you should find the middle option (“Try to limit access to adult websites”) is already selected. Click on the “Customize…” box:

4. In this dialog box, you can choose websites that you explicitly allow access to; I’ve chosen to allow my student to visit After entering all of the websites that the student needs to access, click OK at the bottom.